What I Purged From My Closet – Lessons from a Stylist
Hey #WFH Style Community, Many of you are utilizing this extra time spent at home to update your wardrobe, deciding once and for all what stays and what goes. It’s mid June ya’ll, (WHAT?) I’m officially transitioning into summer vibes, my FAV time of year! I’m putting woolen + furry pieces in the back of my closet, while bringing out maxi dresses, and sleeveless tops, as well as purging a few items I no longer need given my current work-lifestyle and season. I love sharing what I’m doing with clients right now virtually and in my own closet, so while preparing for my move recently I removed these items that I had not been wearing: skinny jeans, specifically the lower waist variety; not only are they uncomfortable, they feel uninspired. What have I added in their place? Straight and flared cropped jeans. I developed a new way of storing my jeans: when presented with less lineal closet space (and a smaller dresser that I share with Joe) I used the shelves pictured above to display my jeans and pants so I can see them. The trick is to use a tri- fold method showing the waist band for easy identification; just one of the storage tips you can find in my new book. How are you keeping yourself organized and stress free during these challenging times? Let me know, and if how I can help ‘The 5 Day Closet Cleanse’ Handbook – Link to buy: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087BCPVVC |
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