Building your Capsule Wardrobe for Spring
Did you complete your new Capsule Wardrobe for spring? What a fun 5 days, I am so proud and excited for your hard work and growth!
Many of you are working on completing your capsule this weekend. To make it easy, I’ve included the links to watch all 5 video lessons. Also, check out the fabulous looks our workshop-ers made below!
DAY 2: Selecting Your Hero Pieces
DAY 3: Creating Versatile Outfits
DAY 4: Q & A CAPSULE Collection
You might know, I had 2 decades of corporate design experience before starting my Image Consulting biz. I’ve helped hundreds of women update their style, feel amazing every day and achieve confidence in all areas of their lives as a result!💥
Let’s keep your momentum going and learn to APPLY all of the knowledge you have gained over the past 4 days!
Doors to the monthly online program, The Style LAB Membership, are open!
I have a plan for you based on where your style is currently, and where you want it to be. If you’re ready to UPGRADE your style and truly master a system to manage your wardrobe so you always know exactly what to wear for any event, I’ve got you covered …
I’d like to help you stay accountable to yourself. LEARN more here!
This decision could literally change your life. I know the choices I’ve made just like this one have made me nervous but excited at the same time. Going all- in on your life & dreams is scary & exciting.
It’s so WORTH it, you are worth it!
I’m THANKFUL to my past self for making the big decisions to hire coaches, because those decisions have created massive growth in wealth, and happiness in my life. I want that for you too!!🌟
What members are saying:
Suze, I just watched your video on jeans, and also watched the jacket one, just
fabulous info on both. Especially the ‘wear 3 things of the same color, tone’
to accessorize; I’ve put it to good use already!
After 2 years of wearing nothing great (pretty horrible actually) It’s like I was starting from scratch and had felt a little lost! You are the best, I love my membership!💓 Elizabeth
I am inviting you to continue your style journey. Check out the information page and join our community of like-minded women:
Click here to learn more about the membership!
As always with LOVE & gratitude,
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